EP 0: Fear of being Lost

I believe that everyone has fear inside their hearts. Some fear because of their past experiences; others fear meeting new and unfamiliar things. But if you ask me what I fear the most, I can tell you that I fear being forgotten…

Every time I wake up in the morning, I rejoice, because I did not want to think about what will happen if I did not. Every night when I let my body fall on my bed, I ponder, “What if I never wake up after sleeping tonight? What will happen? How will I feel? Where will I go? Will my memories be lost forever?” There is one more question that I often ask myself – “Will I still live on in the memories of other people?” – for we cannot deny that even if we are famous or well-known, someday, sometime, we will be replaced – lost in the sands of time. Every time this question surfaces in my mind, I keep trying to find the answer – when my body decays, what will I leave behind in this world?

I have always hoped that in my short life, I will be able to do something for this world. This seems unlikely to happen both in the present and in the uncertain future, but there is one thing that I can do now – seize the chance to write about my experiences, and tell my life’s story to all my readers. For at least, my memory would still live on – it is the best that I can manage in the present and this work will persist for all eternity. I hope that the following stories will inspire and give insights to every readers, whether a lot or little.

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